Licenced, Bonded & Insured Phoenix, Arizona Landscape Company
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In today’s world, everything is about “smart” technology.  You can deck your home and life out in smart devices that range the spectrum from smart thermostats to smart watches to smart sunglasses.  As technology advances more and more processes in the home will become automated and smart.  This is for a good reason – smart devices tend to decrease waste and increase efficiency which maximizes capabilities while minimizing cost.  One area many people may not realize that has become “smart” is their irrigation system.  An irrigation system is critical to any homeowner’s landscape because it keeps the landscape properly irrigated on a consistent schedule so that a homeowner does not have to try to remember when they last watered the backyard lawn or the rose bushes out front.  But now irrigation has gotten even more sophisticated with smart irrigation.

Smart irrigation systems offer a variety of advantages over traditional irrigation systems.  Smart irrigation systems can optimize water levels based on things such as soil moisture and weather predictions.  This is done with wireless moisture sensors that communicate with the smart irrigation controls and help inform the system whether or not the landscape is in need of water.  Additionally, the smart irrigation controlled receives local weather data that can help it determine when a landscape should be watered.  If you have ever returned home during a storm only to see your sprinklers spraying water you know how beneficial this is.  Rather than wasting water resources and your valuable money on watering your landscape you can take advantage of the nature moisture from the storm and save that water for another day when it is more needed.  The advantages of these smart irrigation systems are wide reaching.  The smart irrigation system will help you have better control of your landscape and irrigation needs as well as peace of mind that the smart system can make decisions independently if you are away.  YOu will save a significant amount of money on your water bills because through intelligent control and automation, your smart irrigation system will optimize resources so that everything gets what it needs without needless waste.  Additionally, we have all seen many places in the country that have experienced droughts and we know that our water resources are precious.  With smart irrigation systems we can be better stewards of our resources which is better for the environment.  The opportunity to save dramatically, have better control and be more eco-friendly while maintaining a lush and beautiful landscape are just a few of the advantages a smart irrigation system provides and would make a wonderful addition to any home.

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